How to uninstall Kerish PC Doctor?

Logo Kerish PC Doctor can be removed in the same way as any other program in Windows.
Follow the instructions below to remove the program from your computer.

For Windows 11 / 10 / 8 (8.1) / 7 / Vista:

1. Click "Start" → "Control Panel".
Where is the Control Panel in Windows 8 (8.1)?
2. Select the "Small Icons" or "Large Icons" view option to the right of the "View by" drop-down menu.
3. Select the "Programs and Features" section.
3. Double-click on "Kerish PC Doctor" in the list.
4. Click "Yes" in the dialog box asking you to confirm whether you want to remove the software.

For Windows XP:

1. Click "Start" → "Control Panel".
2. Select "Add or Remove Programs".
3. Double-click on "Kerish PC Doctor" in the list.
4. Click "Yes" in the dialog box asking you to confirm whether you want to remove the software.


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